Nothing pleases me more than when I
ruin a guy's orgasm. I have written much on the subject here, but I
would like to give you some quick tips on doing it yourself.
If you enjoy edging your guy, that is
bringing him as close to an orgasm as you can and then stopping (or
pausing) for a moment so he can relax and back off a bit, then you
are already half way there. My first tip is try it by edging. It
doesn't matter how many times you stroke his cock, as long as you
stop for a minute or more to let him back off from the edge. Even if
he has not quite reached it, you have been successful and he will
enjoy it.
If you DO manage to get him right up to
the edge, then you have reached that perfect point. The point where,
just one more stroke (or two) will send him over the edge, shooting
his ejaculate all over the place. So what you need to do, is pay
close attention to everything he does. The more you are able
to repeat the process, the better you will get at determining exactly
when to stop.
Here's a little hint: keep an eye on
his hips. If he tenses his hip muscles (raises up slightly if laying
down), he may be getting very close and it's a good time to back off.
If he lowers his hips below the normal resting position, look out. He
may be ready to shoot and it may even be too late.
The key here is practice. Practice
makes perfect. Practice is fun! He will love it, and if you don't
stop in time to watch his ejaculate simply drip from his cock, well,
there is always next time. Like I said, practice is fun. If you stop
too soon, keep trying. And remember, if you succeed, you can try
again right away. If you fail and he cums hard enough to “shoot”,
then you will need to wait a day (or at least a few hours) to allow
him to recuperate.
So have fun, and don't stress out if
you fail the first few times out. You will eventually get the hang of
it and you will learn exactly what to watch for. Every man is
different, so I can't give you all the specific signs to watch for,
you'll have to figure them out for yourself. But don't forget to have
fun doing it.
Mistress Ivey
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